Relationships? Which Brain is Talking?

Relationships? Which Brain is talking?

the Ultimate Guide to Happy, Healthy & SUCCESSFUL Relationships  You are about to discover the missing link to human understanding and why people act and talk the way they do and what is the key to having healthy, loving and long lasting relationships.

It is called the 3 Brains - Head, Heart and Gut - Brains theory! Relationships? Which brain Is Talking will dissect this ground-breaking finding in detail to help you work on your relationships from the inside out.

This book will cover: Why and how our 3 Brains - Head, Heart and Gut - are the ultimate solution to healthy relationships Identifying your default programming – which brain dominates you?

What does it mean to have a Head,

Heart or Gut Brain Partner What the strengths and weaknesses of the 3 Brains in relationships Practical and highly powerful techniques for dealing and communicating with a Head, Heart or Gut Brain situation or partner

Extra: How the 3 Brains function in children And so much more! So whether you want to create better bonds with the people around you or simply want to live a more fulfilled and happy life, this enlightening read is for you. Extra as insight: Many of us come aware that when they encounter a new relationship they is based on emotions and after some time realise that the first clouded impression is not how they perceive the person now.Although it is totally normal, it is not what we are aiming for.

Why is this happening?

The neuroscience and psychology model of how we make decisions is not accurate according to latest medical scientific research. It is scientifically proven that we have 3 Brains. Besides the one we know in our Head, we have a Brain in our Heart and we have a Brain in our Gut. Both have a complex intrinsic neural network, sufficiently sophisticated to qualify as a ‘Brain”. Their neural network meets all the criteria specified for a Brain including several types of neurons, neurotransmitters, proteins, support cells and more and it’s complex and elaborate neural circuit allows both Brains to function independently of the Head Brain. So what is happening when are in a relationship?

Most of us enter a relationship based on the urge of one of their Brains and not all three of them, and the other Brains could have different ideas about this relationship and sooner or later like reverse the relationship. Important to know, this is not because they want to sabotage us - as all decisions of our 3 Brains are based on positive intentions, their only objective is to help us - but they have based on their responsibilities, memories and learned lessons, different strategies to do so.

Why don’t they not speak up when our meet that person? Maybe they did but we did not listen as one was domination the show. Besides that our Heart and Gut don’t master the spoken word, they communicate in sensations and most us have issues to decode them. You could wonder: “How is it possible that biology is creating this internal conflict in us?" Evolution and biology don’t make these kind of mistakes, so what is the reason of these opposite responsibilities? And more important: how can we work on this multiple personality disorder inside us and create long lasting relationships? 


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